Our Classrooms

Darling Ducks

Busy Bumblebees

Sweet Sunflowers

Friendly Frogs

Pre-K Frogs
Our Facility
Program Information
Waterworks Child Development Center has proudly served the community since 1989. The center is a small family-owned facility. We serve children ages 6 weeks to 5 years and provide summer camp for ages 5 to 12. We give the children outstanding care to help them throughout their development.
At Waterworks Child Development Center, children are our first priority. The child's development, health and safety are forefront in our minds. This allows us to always put their needs first and accommodate their differences as well as their unique personalities. We strive to provide an atmosphere that stimulates their intellectual, emotional, social and physical growth. WCDC recognizes that a loved and nurtured child is a child brimming with possibilities. We are honored to watch them grow and share in their lives.
Our qualified staff is required to have previous experience with children, and/or a degree in child development, early childhood education or elementary education. They are also required to take classes throughout the year to continue their education and understanding of children. All of our staff have Criminal and Child Abuse background checks on file, as well as First Aid and CPR.
Keystone STARS
Our center is part of the Keystone Stars Program. Currently, we are working toward a Star 2. This program is designed to improve childcare throughout the state of Pennsylvania. The program offers centers incentives and professional development opportunities to improve the quality of childcare. If you have any questions about the program, please feel free to ask. You may be seeing some changes throughout the center over the years, but they will be to improve the care that is given to your child. We plan to continue to participate in the program until we reach the fourth, and final star! Once the fourth star is reached, we will work towards NAEYC (National Association for the Education of Young Children) accreditation.
Benefits of Our Center
- Small family owned center,
- Secure building with locked entrance and security cameras,
- Low teacher/child ratios,
- Family involvement encouraged,
- Open door policy for parents,
- Child assessments and parent conferences three times per year.
Preschool Goals
Waterworks Child Development Center strives to provide a quality preschool experience and help the children to become life-long learners. Children are engaged by incorporating a variety of learning styles into the classroom environment.
Intellectual Goals: Classrooms are geared toward the exploration of real objects, role playing, repetition, problem solving, and phonemic awareness. We utilize our curriculum to support each child's individual learning needs.
Emotional Goals: we provide a safe and secure place where each child feels accepted, respected, and encouraged to learn more about themselves and the world around them.
Social Goals: Our planned activities foster interaction with adults and other children. This encourages respect, empathy and cooperation as children acquire skills in communication and positive problem solving.
Physical Goals: We provide a variety of opportunities to support your child's physical development. These activities will encourage the use of large and small muscle groups and promote increased motor skill development.
- Focus: school vs. home
- Focus: name, family, body parts, look at pictures of students and their families
- Focus: sky vs. land, color blue, start Child Service Reports
- Sensory: Blue Items
- Focus: apples, color red (Child Service Reports Due)
- Sensory: Red Items, apples
- Focus: seasonal changes, color yellow
- Sensory: Fall Sensory Bin (leaves, acorns, etc) *ask for donations* and yellow items
- Focus: fire safety, review primary colors, dress up like fire fighters
- Sensory: Fall sensory bins
- Focus: all about pumpkins, color orange
- Sensory: insides of pumpkins, orange items
- Focus: night vs. day, color black
- Sensory: Halloween things, stars and moon
- Focus: Halloween, color green
- Sensory: Halloween things
- Focus: harvest time, color purple
- Sensory: plastic fruits and vegetables
- Focus: all about turkeys, color brown
- Sensory: feathers
- Focus: Pilgrims and Native Americans, color white, Thanksgiving play food
- Focus: being thankful, review colors and letters
- Sensory: Thanksgiving play food, plastic table settings
- Focus: shape of a triangle, Christmas Trees
- Sensory: decorate felt tree with ornaments
- Focus: shape of a circle, ginger bread cookies and other cookies
- Sensory: cookie cutters and play dough
- Focus: rectangle, Christmas and Hanukkah (starts Dec 17)
- Sensory: different wrapping papers
- Focus: holidays, review
- Sensory: holiday items (can be brought from home)
- Focus: Kwanzaa, New Year’s Eve and review
- Focus: seasonal changes, oval shape
- Sensory: winter sensory bin
- Focus: what is snow and ice?, star shape
- Sensory: mittens, ice, snow if possible
- Focus: animals in winter, diamond shape
- Sensory: animal puppets, small stuffed animals (animals found in forest or arctic habitats)
- Focus: homes for people and animals, pentagon shape
- Activity: Little People, toy houses
- Focus: how to take care of our teeth
- Activity: practice brushing teeth, paint with tooth brush
- Focus: ID friends, heart shape
- Sensory: hearts of different sizes and shapes
- Focus: Presidents Day, Chinese New Year
- Sensory: items that represent different countries (donations) or maps and postcards
- Focus: all about the five senses
- Sensory: items that encourage the senses (no taste items)
- Focus: parts of a book, how to treat books, Dr. Seuss Week
- Sensory: hide objects in beans or rice
- Focus: learn nursery rhymes, “V” recognition and sound (decorate for St. Partick’s Day)
- Sensory: hide objects in beans or rice
- Focus: seasonal changes, St. Patrick’s Day
- Sensory: spring sensory bin, items can be brought in, St. Patrick’s Day items
- Focus: rainbows, color order
- Sensory: plastic eggs (filled or unfilled), dried rice dyed green or Easter basket grass
- Focus: animals that hatch from eggs, Easter
- Sensory: plastic eggs (filled or unfilled), dried rice dyed green or Easter basket grass
- Focus: different types of weather
- Sensory: weather bin, (blue rice, felt sun, cotton balls *clouds*, pipe cleaner rain and lightning
- Focus: wind power, kites, sail boats, counting 1
- Sensory: blue rice or pebbles, boats
- Focus: parts of a flower, growing flowers, count 2 and 3
- Sensory: flowers, soil, plastic gardening tools
- Focus: vegetables and fruits, counting 4 and 5
- Sensory: plastic fruits and vegetables, soil gardening tools
- Focus: animals on the farm, baby animals, counting 6 (Cinco de Mayo 5/5)
- Sensory: plastic farm animals
- Focus: types of insects, observe caterpillars, counting 7
- Sensory: soil, plastic insects
- Focus: planets, stars, what Astronauts do, Counting 8
- Sensory: space bin, planets, stars, astronauts
- Focus: different types of transportation, counting 9
- Sensory: small trucks, cars, trains and airplanes
- Focus: pet needs, what animals are good pets, counting and recognizing 10
- Sensory: small stuffed animals
- Focus: school vs. home
- Focus: name, family, body parts
- Focus: sky vs. land, color blue, start Child Service Reports
- Focus: apples, color red, “A” recognition and short sound (Child Service Reports Due)
- Focus: seasonal changes, color yellow, “B” recognition and sound
- Focus: fire safety, review primary colors, “C” recognition and hard sound
- Focus: all about pumpkins, color orange, “D” recognition and sound
- Focus: night vs. day, color black, “E” recognition and sound
- Focus: Halloween, color green, “F” recognition and sound
- Focus: harvest time, color purple, “G” recognition and hard sound
- Focus: all about turkeys, color brown, “H” recognition and sound
- Focus: Pilgrims and Native Americans, color white, “I” recognition and short sound
- Focus: being thankful, review colors and letters
- Focus: shape of a triangle, “J” recognition and sound
- Focus: shape of a circle, ginger bread cookies and other cookies, “K” recognition and sound
- Focus: rectangle, Christmas and Hanukkah (starts Dec 17) “L” recognition and sound
- Focus: holidays, review
- Focus: Kwanzaa, New Year’s Eve and review
- Focus: seasonal changes, oval shape, “M” recognition and sound
- Focus: what is snow and ice?, star shape, “N” recognition and sound
- Focus: animals in winter, diamond shape, “O” recognition and short sound
- Focus: homes for people and animals, pentagon shape, “P” recognition and sound
- Focus: how to take care of our teeth, “Q” recognition and sound
- Focus: ID friends, heart shape, “R” recognition and sound
- Focus: Presidents Day, Chinese New Year, “S” recognition and sound
- Focus: all about the five senses, “T” recognition and sound
- Focus: parts of a book, how to treat books, Dr. Seuss Week, “U” recognition and sound
- Focus: learn nursery rhymes, “V” recognition and sound (decorate for St. Partick’s Day)
- Focus: seasonal changes, St. Patrick’s Day, “W” recognition and short sound
- Focus: rainbows, color order, “X” recognition and sound.
- Focus: animals that hatch from eggs, Easter, “Y” recognition and sound
- Focus: different types of weather, “Z” recognition and sound
- Focus: wind power, kites, sail boats, counting and recognizing 0 and 1
- Focus: parts of a flower, growing flowers, numbers 2 and 3
- Focus: vegetables and fruits, counting and recognizing 4 and 5
- Focus: animals on the farm, baby animals, counting and recognizing 6 (Cinco de Mayo 5/5)
- Focus: types of insects, observe caterpillars, counting and recognizing 7
- Focus: planets, stars, what Astronauts do, Counting and recognizing number 8
- Focus: different types of transportation, counting and recognizing 9
- Focus: pet needs, what animals are good pets, counting and recognizing 10